January 20, 2016 EganFuneralHome.com Egan Funeral Home (519) 941-2630 | (905) 857-2213 orangeville@eganfuneralhome.com bolton@eganfuneralhome.com www.EganFuneralHome.com …... [Read More]
March 30, 2015 The Influence of Social Media in Today’s SEO Social media’s impact on online marketing cannot be denied. It has now influenced some aspects of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). In fact, no effective …... [Read More]
March 23, 2015 SEO Myths Your Funeral Home shouldn't Pay Attention To No matter what we do, there will always be myths that could lead us to do silly things with our business. The same can be said about SEO. Some gurus …... [Read More]