In this video I will show you how to perform a test to see how long it takes to have your online obituary indexed (found) by Google.
1. Open 3 Internet Browser windows such as FireFox, Google Chrome, or Internet Explorer
2. In the 1st window, upload your obituary notice to your website
3. In the 2nd window, go to: and start the clock
4. In the 3rd window, go to and search for the deceased’s name
5. Repeat Step 4 every 20 minutes for the 1st 2 hours, then once an hour for the next 4 hours
If the obituary hasn’t appeared in Google (from your website) in the first day, then turn of the Stopwatch and just check once or twice a day. Once you get into Day 2 or 3, the obituary may appear, but it could be from the local newspaper or national obituary.
Note: Before performing this test, take a couple of minutes and Google the name of a funeral that you performed last week and last month. If your website doesn’t show up in the Google search results for those obituaries then do not perform the “Speed Test” because you will be wasting your time and I don’t want to send you on a wild goose chase.
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