Marketing is about finding customers. But as Jack Trout wrote in 2006, “Today, when top management is surveyed, their priorities in order are: finance, sales, production, management, legal and people. Missing from the list: marketing and innovation.”
Why is that so concerning? Peter Drucker’s answer is particularly fitting for the deathcare industry, where families need deathcare services on average every four to five years and where “shopping around” by families has skyrocketed.
“Because the purpose of business is to create a customer, the business enterprise has two – and only two – basic functions: marketing and innovation. Marketing and innovation produce results; all the rest are costs. Marketing is the distinguishing, unique function of the business.”
Marketing’s purpose has not changed: to attract and win customers by highlighting a business’s differentiators and innovations. What has changed are the spaces and tactics needed to reach and attract those customers. Funeral Results Marketing is a modern “digital marketing” agency that understands these spaces and tactics – as our clients’ successes prove.